march 1st, 2025
Grand Lodge of Virginia
Students are selected on the basis of merit and need. Merit includes academic achievement, class rank, standardized test scores, participation in high school, community, church or synagogue activities, as well as the quality of application essays. Scholarship is open to High School Seniors only.
march 31st, 2025
Dodge-powell scholarship
Order of eastern star
Members, sons, daughters or grandchildren of members (who are in good standing or were at the time of their death) of the Order of the Eastern Star in Virginia; and/or members in good standing in Virginia of the International Order of Job's Daughters, International Order of Rainbow Girls, Order of DeMolay. There will be no discrimination as to race, color or creed. Applicants must be a full-time student. Applicants shall be a graduating senior from high school or shall be enrolled in an accredited institution of higher learning. The applicant must be a full time student. No award shall be made to an applicant who has attained the age of 23 years or for studies beyond a Bachelor's Degree
APRIL 1ST, 2025
grand court of virginia order of amaranth
Applicants for this award must be graduating senior or have already received a High School Diploma or equivalent accepted by an institution of higher learning, who has not reach the age of 22 years at the time of applying for this award, and be a member in good standing in DeMolay International in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
April 1st, 2025
Grand Lodge of Virginia Outstanding Youth Award
The members of the Grand Lodge of Virginia affirm their support of and commitment to our youth and invite members of our three Masonic youth groups to participate in this recognition program of outstanding youth group members. One individual will be selected from each of the three Masonic youth groups.
april 3rd, 2025
National Scottish Rite, SJ, ScholarshipS
GPA 3.0 minimum. US citizenship and a verified affiliation witha Masonic organization are required. Each applicant must submit the following verification of Scottish Rite Eligibility Form and receive eligibility confirmation before the application will be reviewed. Eligibility will be confirmed by the Office of Director of Education if the applicant is a member of a Masonic Youth organization (DeMolay, Job’s Daughters, or Rainbow Girls), or if applicant is a member in good standing of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, or is a spouse, son, brother, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandson, or granddaughter, of current or past member in good standing of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction.
april 6th, 2020
southern jurisidiction of scottish rite
GPA 3.0 minimum. US citizenship and a verified affiliation witha Masonic organization are required. Each applicant must submit the following verification of Scottish Rite Eligibility Form and receive eligibility confirmation before the application will be reviewed. Eligibility will be confirmed by the Office of Director of Education if the applicant is a member of a Masonic Youth organization (DeMolay, Job’s Daughters, or Rainbow Girls), or if applicant is a member in good standing of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, or is a spouse, son, brother, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandson, or granddaughter, of current or past member in good standing of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction.
april 1st, 2020
2020 frank s. land or demolay foundation graduate study
The DeMolay Foundation annually awards scholarships to Members who excel in academics and leadership in their community, school and DeMolay. It is through these young men’s accomplishments that
examples are set for others to follow
MAY 1st, 2020
Awarding of this scholarship shall be judged on the basis of quality of the submitted essay, academic merit, grade point average (GPA)of at least 3.0 on a four-point scale, extracurricular activities, community / civic involvement, awards / recognition (e.g., Eagle Scout, Girl Scout Gold Award, Chevalier).
June 1st, 2025
Virginia state association
demolay scholarship award
Funds for an annual college scholarship award have been provided for presentation to an Active DeMolay in good standing (age 12-20), who has been accepted for college admission and who completes and submits the attached application form. He must not have attained his 20th birthday by the deadline for filing his application, which is June 1. The amount of the award may vary, but is normally $1000.00 per year. The award is normally presented to one applicant but may be split at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.​​​
APRIL 30TH, 2020
Scholarships will be awarded based on academic achievement and extra curricular activities to qualifying third and fourth year college students and graduate school students who are a US Citizen; a member of Job's Daughters, Rainbow for Girls or DeMolay or related to a member of a Virginia Masonic Lodge (AF&AM).
may 31st, 2020
​Scholarships will be awarded based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and financial need. Requirements include completing the attached application and having an affiliation with a Masonic youth organization or being related to a Virginia Mason (living or deceased). Applicants may be entering college or any level of education thereafter.Applicants may re-apply in different years. Amounts of scholarship awards may vary from year to year.
Due date has Passed
Youth must be an active (installed) member of DeMolay in Virginia. An Essay must be submitted an essay (no more than 1,000 words) by May 15th describing the following:
o How perseverance is exemplified and demonstrated in your life,
o What keeps you dedicated to your youth organization, and
o What goals you aspire to achieve in life.
Due date has Passed
Kemper Macon-ware lodge #64
The Kemper Macon -Ware Lodge No. 64 Scholarship Fund was established in 2018. The mission of the scholarship fund is to provide financial assistance to individuals who are impactful within their communities; meaning they exemplify the teachings of Masonry: service over self.