The following changes will take effect immediately:
Delegates must be registered when the Chapter registers for Conclave. (No late registrations will be permitted).
Reason for the change: This gives the chapters time to properly prepare their delegates to become adequately informed on the issues that they may be called upon to decide.
Delegates will sit in a separate area.
Reason for the change: This allows the SMC to determine who is and is not eligible to vote on issues where a voice vote is used. It also allows the SMC in the case of a call for a division of the house vote to easily determine the proper count.
Letter of intent will include a picture of the candidate and a resume which will be published.
Candidates will be encouraged to attend Honors Investitures so that members will have a chance to meet them, ask questions and get to know them.
Reason for the change: This alerts the members and potential delegates who will be a candidate for State office. It also gives the members and delegates opportunities to gather information about the candidates prior to Conclave.
Proposed By-laws changes will be posted by Luray.
(Advisors and members should have enough time between Luray and Conclave to review the suggested changes prior to Conclave)
State Parliamentarian will meet with EO and State Officers on Thursday night to review proper procedures for the business sessions. If parliamentary questions arise, her decisions will be final.
Business sessions will consist of the Following
Thursday Night
Presentation of SMC awards
Vote on By-laws changes (if any)
Saturday Afternoon
Presentation of DU Certificates
RD Ceremony
Question & Answer session (List of questions will be determined by the SMC. Candidates will leave the room and will be brought in one at a time to answer the questions. If anyone would like a further explanation of a candidates answers, this may be requested from the floor).
Election of State Officers
Installation of Regional Officers